Study Participants - Information for Parents

Help us improve our understanding of how to support young people with ADHD and their families.

If you are ready to start participating, please click this link.

What is this study about?

We are inviting you and your child to take part in a research project exploring the experiences of young people with ADHD. The project will explore many aspects of daily life including friends, managing emotions and mental health. As part of this study, we will ask your child to do the following:

We will also ask you parents to fill in a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the study, each taking approximately 10-20 minutes.

Who can take part in the study?

Young people aged 11 to 14 with a diagnosis of ADHD and one of their parents/caregivers.

Will my child need to own a smartphone?

If your child doesn’t own a smartphone, we can provide them with one. Please get in touch via our email hotline to arrange this.

Will my child be compensated?

Yes, your child will be compensated with a shopping voucher worth up to £30.

How can my child and I take part in the study?

The links below provide you with more information about the project, offering both a short summary of the main details as well as the full study information. Please take time to explore the links below before deciding whether you and your young person would like to take part in the study. Before your young person can start participating, you will need to sign an online consent form on the Qualtrics Survey to say that you are happy for them to participate. Once you have given your consent, you can start filling in the first questionnaire, and you will receive further instructions on how your young person can also start participating. If you need any help with filling out the form or questionnaire, please feel free to get in contact with us via our email hotline at at any time.